Samuel Crew

Department of Mathematics
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ, UK.
samuel (dot) crew24 (at) imperial (dot) ac (dot) uk

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Research Interests

I currently work on machine learning and quantum information theory. I am interested in a variety of problems ranging from path signatures and quantum many body systems to resurgence and holography.

My PhD research was in high energy physics and the geometry of (topological) quantum field theory. In this area, I am particularly interested in connections between supersymmetric gauge theories and geometric structures in the spirit of "physical mathematics".

I am also interested in differential/difference equations and applications of resurgence/Borel resummation in both quantum and classical physics and geometry.

Some more specific examples of past and present research interests include:

To summarise, I like using geometry to understand diverse phenomena in classical and quantum physics and I particular enjoy the challenge of working on problems that lie across traditional subject divides.

A picture of instanton moduli space

Publications and Preprints

Talks and lectures


A supervision with me as depicted by a student (artist credit @quantumcutie1228)

RUB 2023-2024

Bath 2021-2022

Cambridge 2016-2021



I completed my PhD at DAMTP and Trinity college, Cambridge UK in 2021. I studied geometric aspects of quantum field theory and I was supervised by Nick Dorey. Before Cambridge, I was an undergraduate at Lincoln college, Oxford where I studied first for a BA in mathematics (2012-2015) and then an MMathPhys in mathematical and theoretical physics (2015-2016).

Following my PhD I spent 1.5 years as a postdoc working with Phil Trinh in the department of mathematical sciences at the University of Bath. Here I learnt about resurgence and Borel resummation. I worked on a range of problems in quantum and classical physics and geometry.

Following my first postdoc, I moved to Bochum, Germany in January 23 to work with Michael Walter and Giulio Malavolta in the computer science department of Ruhr University Bochum and the Max Planck institute for security and data privacy. I worked on a range of exciting problems in quantum information theory and quantum cryptography.

I am currently a postdoc in the department of Mathematics at Imperial College, London.



Cycling and Running


Cambridge - London - Bristol - Okinawa - Bochum - Tokyo

Data science

I sometimes work as an AI/ML consultant for Captivate Analytics
Updated: 19/08/24